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MissMisa (Offline)
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E3 - Loads of great games to come! - 07-15-2008, 05:37 PM

Who else has seen E3? This is what I know so far:

~ Final Fantasy is not going to be exclusively for the PS3 anymore. It's coming out for the Xbox 360, too. [Actually, I'm pretty sick of seeing all the fanboys cry about this. It's a good move particularly for the fans.]

~ Nintendo is releasing an attachment to the Wii mote which makes it a lot more accurate.

~ Nintendo is releasing Call of Duty for Wii.

~ Nintendo is releasing Grand Theft Auto DS.

~ Nintendo is releasing Wii Sports:Resort, Wii Music, Spore, Animal Crossing Wii, Rock Band, Pokemon, and some other stuff I probably forgot.

I saw Nintendo's conference, but unfortunatly missed Microsofts so please tell me if you have any more news! You can check up what's going on at E3 on the official website.

Last edited by MissMisa : 07-15-2008 at 05:39 PM.
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