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XjapanFOREVER (Offline)
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Square-Enix may know what they're doing. - 07-15-2008, 09:33 PM

I've been thinking alot about the switch to multi-platform, and I just couldn't put my finger on why Square would do something this ballsy especially when FFXIII was one of the best official games that the PLAYSTATION 3 had going for it..

Why would they back out after all the success they had on the PS2?

Why would Square deliberately kill a company's console that they've backed for over a decade?


Square isn't a company that would do that.

Final Fantasy XIII is a BIG game, no doubt about it...
But why would Square send their biggest money-maker to the competition, KNOWING fans would be pissed?

The answer is really simple and you should have caught on by now..

How do you make fans that you've just PISSED off, EXTREMELY HAPPY!?!?!?!? grant their greatest wish.

I believe the time has come...

Microsoft is making computer's just like air conditioners; they work properly until you open WINDOWS.
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