I'm not entirely sure I follow what you're saying. However, why should PlayStation gamers be mad about the new Final Fantasy going to the XBOX? I never really understood the corporate worship that exists when it comes to video games.
But why would Square send their biggest money-maker to the competition
Why is the XBOX "competition"? Square is not Sony, Sony is Sony. Square is a company, and the point of a company is to make money... hence if they release it on both consoles, they make more money. Apparently whatever Microsoft was paying them was a high enough amount to get them to release it on the XBOX.
Keep in mind that years ago, Square was a developer for Nintendo
exclusively. They bailed out on Nintendo to move to the PSX when it came out. Now they're moving on to the XBOX, and they didn't bail on the PlayStation like they did with Nintendo. At least FF13 is still coming out for the PS3.