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Nyororin (Offline)
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07-16-2008, 02:29 PM

Originally Posted by billysweird View Post
well i met someone off japan forum today named pinky to practice my japanese? and instant ramens 20-100 yen a pack from the super market. and i get the cheap proccessed cheese from the convinience store and they call it Sea chicken (looks like tuna but i can't read japanese so i don't know if its tuna or not) but if you still don't belive me you can ring me on my japanese phone which is 090-8480-5467 and i will confirm those disbeleifs hell make it a video call and i can show you my living arrangements...
I`ll pass on calling you.

That is some seriously cheap ramen. Processed cheese though is STILL expensive, as is tuna. It`s not that it`s that expensive as an item - it`s that it`s a really bad value. There are lots of foods out there that you could eat a lot more of for the same amount - or the same amount of for considerably less.

Also - something I haven`t seen you mention - where are you living? How are you dealing with living arrangements? You may not like me, but if you`re really in a bad situation, I`ve been there so might be able to help you out.

If anyone is trying to find me… Tamyuun on Instagram is probably the easiest.
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