Thread: Your Timeline
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Rogozhin (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 372
Join Date: Jan 2007
Your Timeline - 07-17-2008, 06:31 AM

I've been on this forum for quite some time yet I don't really know too much about the members here (sometimes I want to PM members but I don't incase I come across as a bit confronting). I was thinking it would be interesting to see timelines showing when (and for how long) members lived in Japan and perhaps some interesting snippet of detail about their experiences during that period of time.

This is what my timeline looks like...

1989 > Born in Yokohama

1993 ~ 1996 > Attended a kindergarten in Yokohama then moved to Aus.

1996 ~ 2001 > Primary school. Skipped the 1st grade and the first half of the 2nd grade.

1998 ~ 2003 > Attended a Japanese supplementary school in Australia; struggled having being forced to skip grade 1 and 2 due to age and was always at the bottom rung.

2001 ~ 2002 > 6 week holiday w/ family in Japan

2002 ~ 2006 > High School in Australia

2005 ~ 2006 > 1 month holiday alone (visiting dad in Japan); snapped me out of the chronic depression brought upon by high school.

2007 > Enrolled at uni but deferred and decided to work for the year; had two jobs - one as a shelf stacker at my local supermarket and the other as a sales assistant at my local service station.

2008 > Enrolled again at the University of Queensland in Australia in a Bachelor of Science degree program, majoring in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.

I'd really like to spend a few more years in Japan, maybe after I get my degree (not sure how useful a science degree is in Japan )

Anyway, take part because I'm interested to know.

EDIT: Added to the timeline. Technically I wasn't born in Ichigao but at a hospital in Yokohama

Last edited by Rogozhin : 07-18-2008 at 07:50 AM.
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