07-17-2008, 08:01 AM
1980 - Born in the US
1994~1996 - Compete and win top prizes in a number of writing competitions.
1996 - Graduate high school, begin university, and decide to go to Japan.
1998 - Make my first trip, homestaying Okazaki while being a weird half student/half teacher at a local high school.
1999 - Head back to Japan, return to the US shortly, then back to Japan again.
2000 - Hop to Korea and back to refresh my visa. Return to the US for the summer, my boyfriend later joins me. After the summer, back to Japan again. Return to the US for the winter holidays and to announce that we`re getting married.
2001 - Back to Japan the second week of January - married the 24th. Week long trip back to the US at the end of the year.
2002 - Move to a much larger apartment. Husband graduates from university, enters a company. (My education is on hold.)
2003 - Buy a new car. Do half a year of university so that credits don`t disappear. Get pregnant in Dec.
2004 - Decide on buying a condo. Are in the process of signing the papers and getting the loan when... Son is born by emergency c-section in extreme distress, 4 months early, weighing less than a pound. (437g - June 8th) We go directly from the hospital to finalize the home loan the day I am released. Move in July.
Son is discharged from the hospital on November 10th, the day after my birthday.
2005 - Travel to the US for the last time in October.
2006 - Son undergoes surgery in January. Back to university again part time.
2007 - Finally get my degree.
2008 - Son starts kindergarten.
If anyone is trying to find me… Tamyuun on Instagram is probably the easiest.