Thread: Doujinshi help
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amesei (Offline)
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Doujinshi help - 07-17-2008, 07:56 PM

I have a small collection of doujinshi that I want to translate, but I need help since I can't read the kanji and might as well not understand what they're saying... T^T

All of my doujinshi are gag and shounen-ai (with the exception of a Naruto anthology that's mostly soft-core yaoi... =( ), which range from Code Geass, Fruits Basket, Hikaru no Go, Inuyasha, Naruto and One Piece. My collection isn't that big, but I love the doujin that I have and want to translate them for others, too...but I really need help with kanji, the kana itself and romaji translations.

I also need help scanning the doujinshi in a way that they will not be damaged as much, so if anyone has tips, please tell me.

I'm sorry for bothering everyone, though...I just wish I knew more instead of being an amateur... =(
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