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(#16 (permalink))
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Hackimoto (Offline)
Fighting the blues
Posts: 87
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Hawaii
07-17-2008, 08:02 PM

What kind of frickin psycho would post instructions on how to commit suicide on a website? I guess I can understand the concept of try to help out those who have already made the decision to make it a little easier, but they're already taking the easy way out anyway. They probably need help of a different kind. Like maybe someone saying "don't kill yourself". I think if you wanted to kill your self badly enough you should just endure the pain of whatever method you choose. That's why I can actually buy the whole seppuku tradition. Most westerners just never get it, but it's like a test of guts. You had to prove that you not only had the balls as well as the dedication to end your own life just to save your honor, since if you didn't do it your whole family and clan would be disgraced by you. But you also had to have the fortitude to stick a big fuckin knife into your stomach and tear yourself open and just hope that you deserved to have someone cut off your head to make it end sooner.
There have been times when I myself have just gotten sick of the whole game we play, but that's what takes real fortitude. To just keep on keepin on.

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