Thread: Your Timeline
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(#26 (permalink))
StangGuy (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 101
Join Date: Jun 2008
07-18-2008, 01:44 PM

January 2007- 3 day business trip to Hiroshima,

August 2007-December 2007- 4 months working for my company along with 5-10 other people while on location in Hiroshima Japan, met gf in October, became friendly with many members of the local nightlife community

January 2008-March 2008- 2 months working for my company in Hiroshima alone, broke up with gf in February, spent even more time in the local bars to maintain my sanity. Spent 3 days in Nagoya on quick trip for my company before returning home.

End of April 2008- reconciled with ex-gf went to Hiroshima for 3 days and proposed

First week of July 2008- visited fiance in Hiroshima for 5 days and met her family

Late August-Early September 2008 planning a 1 1/2 week trip to Osaka, Kobe, Kyoto in addition to Hiroshima
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