Originally Posted by allie2590
Silent, but deadly. 
Of course Of course
On a more serious note though, I find the existence of this thread, a glamourization of suicide. Just because some Japanese people find a new smelly way of killing themselves, doesn't mean it is something acceptable.
I personally find the idea of Sepukku/Harakiri, unacceptable. We live with pain and endure, no matter what guilt or dishonour we have conjured up for ourselves.
Of course it does not take away from the fact that honour is so highly regarded in Japan, (because of their Bushido history) that even now people will kill themselves rather than facing dishonour or humiliation. However i'm sure that the majority who think about this and kill themselves, use honour as an excuse rather than a real reason to die. I can only think about politicians having any kind of excuse to kill themselves.. but even that is ultimately wrong in my eyes.
We also forget that this honour system was instilled because of the Samurai. It was not meant for ordinary people.
Conclusion: Respecting your Honour is great thing but killing yourself is Dishonourable to life.
If you have suicidal problems, then there is something wrong with you and you need help. Don't make excuses about it and deny the truth.