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SoundSev3n (Offline)
JF Regular
Posts: 36
Join Date: Jul 2008
Talking hello everyone! [new member here] - 07-19-2008, 01:35 AM

My name is Brian, I'm from the US. [New York to be more specific]
I'm in school for Computer Information Systems. If I keep my grades up [and find the bravery to make such a leap] I'd like to transfer to Japan for a semester or two.

Once I find out more about the schools I can attend, I'd like to visit those areas before I actually make that kind of full commitment. I'd also like to make some friends, or even establish serious contacts from Japan before my initial visit.

There's a whole lot to say about myself and I won't attempt to try and say it all here. Feel free to ask me anything you'd like. Another option is visiting my MySpace page linked in my signature.

I hope I learn a lot from this forum and it's members! [and in time can contribute as well]

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