Originally Posted by yuujirou
In America, well houston atleast, there aren't many people who are even into just fashion =.='''
most people here are nothing but a ragtag assemblage of loose baggy hane's t-shirts (probably from Wal-Mart), low hanging, needlessly (not too mention 'unfashionably) baggy dickie's (probably from Wal-Mart) dangling gently over a pair of boxers (DEFINITELY from Wal-Mart) and sometimes they'll add a little bling bling of diamonds that they bought for $20 (at Wal-Mart).
Awwwh! Don't go Wal-Mart bashing! My mom works there and we get ever BETTER discounts.
Anywho, Wal-Mart ain't that bad nowadays. But, I see where you get people being really cheap and wearing stuff that's not really... Appropriate for everyday outdoors wear.
I hate when I go to Chicago and there's those people who are just wearing clothes that are all dirty and as you described. There's only Suits and Hane's in Chicago.
For some reason, I knew somebody was going to mention Houston. Deja Vu.