07-19-2008, 08:21 AM
lol.. Marine Fu
EDIT: hey Tenchu what was your day to day life like during your service? did you just play sports and do exercises to keep fit? to keep you in shape right? or is that stuff just the stuff you do in the 1 hour exercise every morning? also what about all the drills and weapons training?
wana stay on topic so mainly interested in the things you would day day to day to keep fit
what sort of hand to hand does the aus army use? (i have no experience with military)
and last thing for the whole point of those questions - if they have a structured hand to hand system they use wouldnt they do it alot of the time just during the times when there exercising and running differant drills? like wouldnt they do it so many hours a week?
anyway like i said no idea so im probably wrong
Last edited by JoshAussie : 07-19-2008 at 08:35 AM.