Originally Posted by yuujirou
simply because it's more fun too watch a genocide than too actually be part of it x]
same thing like ....jackass i would say~
fun too watch, but not soo fun too be the one watched~ desu ne?
sadistic pleasure derived from the pain and suffering of others x]
can't say no one else feels the same =3
(because if no one did...then we wouldn't have certain forms of entertainment~)
and before anyone comments on this~
yes i am selfish
no i really don't care
yes i'm a bastard
no i really really do not care~
no i really don't enjoy cruelty too others, i just love satire x]
yes, you can go f$ck yourself if you really feel that strongly against the things i say x]
Well I guess that is your opinion on it and you aren't about to change it ^_^
However your "true colours" are shown by such statements and thus its harder to find the popularity you seek
(cept amongst the weak minded who couldn't care less either.)
Originally Posted by yuujirou
@monkey~ kinda feel that's something of a cultural clash~
being sentient beings, we naturally prioritize living above anything else~
and w/ that, it's only natural that most people/cultures will shun the taking of life~ but, as you said, the thing of bushido being so intertwined with the japanese people, honour is something prized beyond life~
personally, i find it more admirable when someone is able too forsake his own life for that of others~
(killing yourself so that everyone else can feel better; the idea of seppuku, lol)
as opposed too those who beg like dogs and forsake everything else in the world just soo that they can live~ >.>'
*of course, everything is circumstantial, and thus debatable, lol*
Sure it's admirable and whatnot but Sepukku is a bit more easily attainable than say, going in to rescue a baby from a burning house and dying in the process. I don't think it helps people that would be close to the suicidee much either.
Most of the times, if there is any humilliation, it'll be deserved. That person will just have to bear it because it is a part of life.
Personally, my rebellious streak doesn't allow me to throw my life away for the appeasement of others
On a side note, it can only be imagined, how many times a person with power in Ancient Japan may have used the idea of Sepukku to his/her advantage.