Originally Posted by adina
you're welcome hunnie <33
OMFG do you know what Shou posted on his blog today,like emmm 2 hours ago???
guess what Shou was trying to take a pic of nao while he was in the shower??
now tell me this isn't gay and kinky?? >_<"
that pervert *spanks him*
the girl from nao daily translated it cause I guess she was pretty shocked too
and I thought he has something going on with Saga after NHK performance *pouts*
HAHAHAHA! *dies laughing*
OMG! That is sooo funny. XDD
What a perv. XD Hahaha that just made me like Shou even more.
*wipes tear away*
Haha anyways! That's funny. XD
Neo Haha okay good! I'll be watching you... *Creep stalker song plays*
Haha just kidding, but you know. XD