Japanese Textbooks -
07-20-2008, 06:18 AM
So this is a question for English-speaking students learning Japanese:
Would you recommend your textbook and workbook (and by textbook, I mean, the hard back, that you usually have to order direct from the publisher, and costs around $30-$60 in USD) and if so, what is it?
Here's a question for native Japanese-speakers:
I found one textbook, "Ima!" but the Hiragana seems... it's like they didn't get the correct pronunciation. Here are some examples of what they put:
ぢ = ji
づ = zu
を = o
Though I always thought it was like this:
ぢ = di
づ = du
を = wo
Is their pronunciation guide correct and I'm just off because I'm teaching myself, or is this book not worth purchasing?