master degree in computer system -
07-20-2008, 01:39 PM
hi verybody... . i` want to make a master degree in japan .in computer system so personaly i hear about AISU university and TOYOHASHI university as good university for teaching computer system . so i would like to know if this`s true and how cost studie in japan in public university, because seriously i entred to many sites for university and i saw that studie in mastre degree cost betwee 5000$ and 6000$ .so i think before, that studie so expensive in japan but in reel it`s normal ...and it`s better to learn in japanees language or in english language
and finaly how cost japanees language if i will make my master in japanees language. also i hear about somthing like the Monbukagakusho scholarship as helpful to enter to japanees university !!! so what`s this ?? ....thanks in advance for alll information and advice ..