Originally Posted by ChameleonSaint
Has anybody used their iPod touch for browsing the internet, sending emails etc? What about the Google Maps feature for getting around?
Are there many free wireless internet hot spots?
I'm not in Japan at the moment, but from my memory, many branches of McDonald's offer free wireless connections. I also want to say places like Starbucks and Excelsior Cafe, but I could be mistaken. Besides of these chain restaurants, I don't know how common wireless internet would be, since to my understanding, most Japanese cellphones these days allow you to go online hence less demand for wi-fi hotspots.
I'll be in Tokyo from Sept. onwards though, so if you still don't have a definitive answer by then I'd be glad to look around and get back to you. Someone on this forum could probably answer by then though hehe.
I currently use my iTouch at home to check my mail and Facebook, but don't really use it to send mails out since it's so much faster on the computer. But sure it's completely doable, especially if you're used to the iTouch keyboard.
And I haven't really used Google Maps, but I wouldn't rely on it for like GPS or whatever since you'd have to be connected at all times right? If it's your first time in Tokyo and your hitting the tourist spots, I don't think you'd really need this function though.
For three days, I think iTouch-ing at a McDonalds or something would suffice. Also, where are you staying? Some hotels/hostels offer free Internet PCs for guests so you may want to look into that.