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SoundSev3n (Offline)
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Rosetta Stone, and other languange questions... - 07-20-2008, 11:31 PM

About 3 weeks ago I started using the Rosetta Stone: Japanese software.

Is anyone using this software? Has anyone used it? How successful were you or how helpful did you find it?


If a lot of Japanese is segmented phonetically, then might I find it easier to use romaji subtitles with the visual aids in the program to learn vocabulary and grammar... then use the phonetic segments in romaji on my keyboard with a kanji or katakana output enabled? I think that after a long time of typing this way I would be able to read both sets of characters from sheer repetitiveness.

If I'm not at school, work, driving a car or out for the night or asleep I'm always in front of a keyboard.

What are your thoughts?
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