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(#286 (permalink))
Paul11 (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 546
Join Date: May 2008
07-21-2008, 03:22 AM

Originally Posted by SoundSev3n View Post
I'm sure if I get out and about something will pop up eventually... but it's not worth being booted and never allowed back, not to mention jail-time.

What about prostitution? (i know these posts look bad for me, i have other genuine concerns and intentions when it comes to visiting Japan but these subjects are coming up in conversation right now among friends and possible travel companions here.)

[edit] is it legal/illegal?
1) People who do use drugs in Japan are less likely to tell you about it than in the states. Harder to find.

2) Prostitution is historically present and open (look at any old literature or drama about days long past - i.e the floating world or the water world). It's illegal and permitted (maybe tolerated is a better word).
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