Originally Posted by Hellkite
no actually not. you are still at this topic, and you are right. i mean, i would be too weak to really harm anyone, but if you are tall, you really look stronger,w hich most girls like, and japanese girls are not so tall as i heard. also the persian girls are pretty small. but this does not matter. the better for you, if you wanna find a smaller girl than you. 
I mean, I honestly beat my guy-friends in arm wrestling. Men are naturally supposed to be stronger, but it's pretty crazy. I always ask my friends what they think makes an attractive girl, and most of them say that they like girls that are shorter than them.
But, people never purposely try to piss me off because I'm scary when I'm mad because I'm taller than lots of guys. It's funny, but a good feeling. I've been told by my friends that too.