Originally Posted by Yuna7780
We all will start in my "soon-to-open" cafe and wear the latest Japanese fashions. People will like the sweets and the cute outfits.
We will get those t-shirt launchers, and put Lolita dresses in them, and shoot them off in the streets while dressed Lolita apparel.
From there, we will put subliminal messages in bilboards and put up graffiti on trains, being careful not to ruin our outfits.
After that, we're going to slowly go out to the suburbs and go to other large cities in other states.
Later in the year... The Lolita fashion will at least increase by 127.056% in the US.
Soon enough, there will be commercials of the latest fashions at Kohl's of the frilly dresses, and things will just get better from there on.
This is my LoliPLAN.
Originally Posted by Yuna7780
I thought it'd be really cool to have season uniforms that give more of sping, summer, fall, and winter look to what the weather is like. So, in the summer, obviously wear something lighter, and the winter somethin more covered up and darker.
This si all I can get at the moment. I'm goin to bed...if no one else does it, I'll finish this up tomorrow, er, today