Posts: 530
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: In my own Fantasy world!
07-21-2008, 10:18 AM
lmao adi-chan XDDDD we know that you love him >.< ah wait nein you dont love him.. you are ADDICTED to him *nods nods* yes acccept it he is such a perv XDD WAT he was doing when NAO was having shower! he sure is starving XD *adi-chan... you didnt poke him lately??* XD
MAAAH I SAW THAT!!! i mean on yesasia XDDDD
OMG SEE SEE pooon *nein i wont touch!*
NAAAAAOOO *screams like a fangurl*
hmmm..the gazette is in magazine too >.>' hmmmmm....hmmmmm...
*saves money* ahhh XDD
☆ My Jeong, Hikaru, Sakae, Juka, Narumi, Satsuki, Rubii, Yuji, Jun ☆ ☆ Claimer,ajsnoopy ☆ Claim,Miyavifan ☆