Originally Posted by JoshAussie
this has been somewhat re assuring, being Australian we look to our Older brother (whatever you wana call it) America for protection, or atleast i think we do. I mean we dont have any nuclear weapons or a massive army. im not old enough to have experienced such a big world thing like this, i cant imagine what the world wars were like. and im not educated enough to know all the things that happen when things like this happen, trade is one example. i read somehwere the other day china just made a free trade contract or something with NZ and was currently negotiating with Australia about the same thing.. i duno exactly what that means.
i guess to me because i dont know its coming accross as slowly leaving Americas pocket and being put into Chinas.
oh yeah were in pretty good with the UK too right? pretty sure we are haha
Free trade pacts usually include agreements not to tariff each other's goods. Are you planning to go to college? A thinking, patriotic young man such as yourself should join the military for a spell. Help your country, democracy and learn about these types of things.