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Alvinho (Offline)
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07-22-2008, 01:21 PM

Originally Posted by Paul11 View Post
You really believe that crap. you have no sense of history and how the founding of the United States brought something unique and (mostly, Lock and others preceded, but not as a nation) new to mankind.

And Alvinho, bad stuff happens everywhere, but try not to buy into the liberal, commie conspiracy stuff.

Take off your Che Guevera t-shirts people and recognize the difference between right and wrong.
You're calling me commie???...are you nuts???...have I offended your mum?......I'm just telling you what I saw on a video....I'm rightist, liberal....I do hate the president who rules my country.....commies in power are vultures beaking themselves to eat rotten meat....

In a communist country, there's one president who grabs all life's benefits, dozens of burocrats who drain tax payers' money and 8 million go through harsh starvation.
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