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Ronin4hire (Offline)
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07-22-2008, 01:27 PM

Originally Posted by Paul11 View Post
You really believe that crap. you have no sense of history and how the founding of the United States brought something unique and (mostly, Lock and others preceded, but not as a nation) new to mankind.

And Alvinho, bad stuff happens everywhere, but try not to buy into the liberal, commie conspiracy stuff.

Take off your Che Guevera t-shirts people and recognize the difference between right and wrong.
Don't worry about AcidReptile. He's a troll with no bite to his bark. All he can do is spout rhetoric.

I will say that all nations have in some way brought something unique to mankind. If we're going to thank anyone for Western civilisation we should thank everyone from the Greeks to the Romans to the British as well as the Americans.

Not to mention the pearls of wisdom that come from other cultures.
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