Originally Posted by Paul11
If the Tibetans were so happy, why were they recently rioting and being murdered by chinese police? (I agree with you on some of the stuff by free tibet groups, but..)
The displacment of the dam is huge compared to anything a western nation has done to displace it's people.
No western society has restricted parenting rights of such a huge group of it's people in such a way.
America is already embroiled in a debate as to whether or not to physically protect small states from Chinas saber rattling and possible invasion.
You can say it's not that bad and that western countries have done comparable things. But not all that comparable.
Have you ever spoken to a tibetan? I've only every met and spoken to 2 Tibetans. Their only problem with China was the Dalai lama being in India and not in Lhasa. They were extremely greatful to the chinese government. You seem to think, like the western media has portrayed, that the Chinese authority just randomly attacked the tibetans and/or vice versa... That's just bull crap, to say the least. Western media has many times shown Nepalese (??) police beating tibetans and then has labeled them as Chinese. This has actually been proven. Channels like CNN, BBC etc broadcasted these images and labelled them as "chinese army".
Therefore, if you look closely, you'll realise that the riots were a bunch of hooligans which started trouble and consequently, it spread like bush fire.
Hmmm, I guess you've chosen to ignore the fact that the government is helping them re-locate. You make it sound as though the government just decided to chuck them out. Sounds to me like the kinda thing that happened to the american indians, but pushed onto the chinese
Dude, like I said; that was greatly influenced by the west, AND if you have a better solution, give it to them. lol. What would you rather have; a ristriction on your children so that the government can help it's people get a better life OR have the situation in africa. Each couple has about 14 children so that only 1 or two survive
I don't know what you're talking about in that part... sorry.
Why is it not comparable? Because many countries are developed now? I don't get it. If a country produced lots of CO2 whilst developing, do you have the right to restrict another country from producing lots of CO2 TO develop simply because people believe in Man made global warming? I think not. The situation is exactly this; Western countries did something, but because now we're more "knowledgable", the poorer countries have to find better options... hmmm, I say; mind your own business (not personally you btw)