Originally Posted by Ronin4hire
If the media are telling "shocking lies" then I don't see the motive (I agree that media often exaggerate the truth for the sake of a good story but flat out lie?). I can see the motive when it comes to the Chinese authorities lying though therefore am a bit more willing to trust the media over the Chinese authorities.
Anyway I haven't really delved deep into this issue. Most of what I know of the issue is restricted to what I see and hear in the news, I've not learnt the history in which to put it in context.
At the end of the day though, I believe in a nation's right to self-determination (as does the UN) and that is what the main issue here is. China is denying Tibet that right. To what degree is perhaps what I need to become clued up on.
Here is a site
We Just Want the Truth! CNN:The world's leader of liars 西方媒体污蔑中国报道全纪录Anti-CNN.com,Anti-BBC.com,Anti-VOA.com ... Don't take everything on there as fact, because it is also VERY bias and I'm sure there're a lot of lies on there. But it does shed some truth on the lies of the west. One of which, I mentioned in my above post. CNN, BBC putting pictures of the Nepal police beating tibetan monks and labelling it as Chinese authority.
Another disturbing example; at the height of all those protests and the Tibet issue was page one news, BBC showed a clip of some tibetan monks protesting for free tibet at a temple. The news reporter said that it's evident that tibetans want freedom etc. Later on, I watched the exact same pictures on a Tibetan channel, but the images were longer. There was an interview afterwards of the Lama's (head monks). They outright denounced what the "young" monks did, and said they were extremely foolish. They said that those monks don't have a clue and that it isn't the general feeling amongst tibetans. Some may call that exaguration, but to me, that's pure lying. Showing half a video and proclaiming that ALL tibetans want a free tibet when in fact, the older monks think that those little monks are idiots.
EDIT; I don't know if you can read the english on what that french guy said, but he's probably summed up the situation in that interview... Hypocracy