Originally Posted by noodle
Here is a site We Just Want the Truth! CNN:The world's leader of liars 西方媒体污蔑中国报道全纪录Anti-CNN.com,Anti-BBC.com,Anti-VOA.com ... Don't take everything on there as fact, because it is also VERY bias and I'm sure there're a lot of lies on there. But it does shed some truth on the lies of the west. One of which, I mentioned in my above post. CNN, BBC putting pictures of the Nepal police beating tibetan monks and labelling it as Chinese authority.
EDIT; I don't know if you can read the english on what that french guy said, but he's probably summed up the situation in that interview... Hypocracy 
Yeah, I heard about that and in fact, I am really fed up with the media! There is almost no TV channel or newspaper you can really trust nowadays. Most of it is just propaganda. This "half-knowledge" is the most dangerous in my oppinion. I am wether pro nor anti-china but I really can't understand why people are afraid of them getting economically stronger. Yes, the world is changing but why should China be a threat to us? They surely have no intention in war or conquering other countries, they have enough national issues.
I had the opportunity to meet and get to know some Chinese people and I have to say they are really friendly and lovable. Agreed, most of them have no clue about politics but that's just their heritage. It's just a matter of time until democracy will take place in China anyway.