Originally Posted by JoshAussie
thats what im scared of, Australia is fucked if America goes down. Britain will be our only Defence. we dont have anything to hold off an enemy attack nuclear weapons etc. so were pretty much relying on our allies.
In all honesty, If anyone were to takeover the U.S., they'd have to be either very clever or very large.
China, with it's population of billions and it's elite hackers, could easily reach those standards.
Scary indeed.
However, even if someone did manage to pull off the initial invasion, the rest of the fighting woudn't be easy. Especially considering how many citizens carry firearms these days. lol
In a worst case scenario, we could always run over to Canada -- or, at very least, immigrate to Mexico.
... And if that general tactic can work for the Islamic Radicals in the Mid-East... It can work for us!