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noodle (Offline)
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07-23-2008, 06:37 AM

Originally Posted by Paul11 View Post
Both Ronin4hire and Noodle make excellent points that i'm willing to concede. And josh, England is almost already gone. Just two more points:

Noodle, I inderstand the American Indian example, but were talking about the present, not the past. I knew someone would bring that up. But if one country makes commits that crime, do we go ahead and say that now everyone gets to make that same crime once to make things even? There's no logic there. Yes, America did that, a very different one from now. Let's learn from that example, because the same thing happened almost everywhere else and we can't let it hapen again.
Don't get me wrong. I agree with you. I believe we HAVE to learn from history. But, I think the Dam (three gorges?) has far more positives than negatives. You're right in the sense that it is sad for the government to move millions of people, but at least they're trying to do it properly. It's not like the olden days where they just chuck them out by force or threats. They try to help them afterwards.

I guess my point was this; A country can't tell china not to do something unless they have another better solution, especially if the country went through a similar process to get to where it is.
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