Originally Posted by Paul11
Noodle, I don't have the energy to write much now. But, you have some good points and so does Ronin. My journalism degree and monitoring of american media tells me Ronin is correct. But what he doesn't realize is that the media is extremely liberal in the U.S. and mostly sympathetic to China, except for the Tibet issue.
And Al Jezeera? No disrespect to you, but I trust Al Jezeera as much as I trust an enemy in my back yard., a fox in the hen house AJ has shown its anti-american/violent leanings.

How many degrees do you have?
And, you're intitled to you opinion about AJ, but personally, I like the channel (however, I do not take everything from there as fact, because it's pretty obvoius, like you've noticed, it's pretty anti-american, so there is a great possibility of exaguration... like I said before, all media channels do this, not only westerm). It's not afraid of showing some of the crap that Western countries do.