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matttholen (Offline)
her and me, meant to be
Posts: 14
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: nj
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02-25-2007, 05:14 PM

I was standing in line at the movie theatre one day and some dude comes up to me and just sneezes in my face! like no blockin his face or anything, just coked and sneezed, two things happened, it just scared effin livin outa me, cuz it was very audible very loud. and not only that just the the light was hitting this guys face DEBRIS came out! a wad o stuff just like when you use winde and you put it on mist-mode, as opposed to that other mode, what is that laser mode does anyone even use that? is that in case you wanna mount a sniper scope on your windex?

Back to the sneeze... and by this time im mad, and grossed out. nd i first thought o im gonna go off on this guy, but i said hey matt take the high road be polite, and i said this, "god bless you" very sarcastically, almost like saying "cover your effing mouth"... and it gets worse, he goes "uhh yea, im an atheist" what a jerk right? i dont know nor do i care if your an atheist, what am i supposed to say when an atheist sneezes, "when you die nothing happens." he starts making fun of my religion, and he goes "lemme askyou this what do you think happens to you after you die?" and i came back with "well hopefully i live a good life and my soul goes to heaven, and all my relatives wiull be waving to me like its an airport". and hes laughing at me. so I flipped out, "what happens to you after YOU die?"

he comes back with "well I will die and become a huge beautiful tree." yea, hes laughing at me, hes gonna come back as a ficus. But lemme say this, I HOPE when he dies he does become a tree. I hope hes enjoying his tree life, then one day a huge sweaty guy with an axe comes in and chops him down SMASH! put a chain around him drag him through the mud and the muck, throw him into a saw mill grind him up! and then ya pound him down into paper!

and once hes paper, you print the BIBLE ON HIM!!!!

erica fuckin russell is my girl forever
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