Thread: Rentrer en soi
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(#272 (permalink))
NeoVisualizm's Avatar
NeoVisualizm (Offline)
Posts: 530
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07-23-2008, 04:43 PM

maah i dont think its that boring! i mean.. it cant be more boring than here!! *-* def def def no! *-*
YES take your BASS with you!! musician's love is her/his instrument!! TAKE YOUR LOVE with you too!!! *hmm... i made this quote XDD*
OMG yes yes! learn rentrer en soi songs!!! I DARE YOU!
if I try to do it... my versions would be soo accoustive and emotional XD lol
tho.. i remembered.. i need a new plug for my guitar >.< i didnt play it like..FOR AGES now!! *-* WHAT a SHAME!*-*
and i need guitar stings! *-* oaaaahhh >.<

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