Thread: Rentrer en soi
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(#274 (permalink))
NeoVisualizm's Avatar
NeoVisualizm (Offline)
Posts: 530
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: In my own Fantasy world!
07-23-2008, 05:08 PM

IF I WAS YOU i wouldnt leave my bass like.. for second!! IIEE IIIEE!
oooow awesome!! i so would love to hear you playing someday!!^^
if they dont let you to take your bass.. then... make.. strike!
stay hungry.. or dont go anywhere and stay at home!! *YEH*
-omg im such a bad provoker >.<-
i play flute mainly >.>' and kinda guitar too.. but my skills on that sucks >.< because i need to practiise >.< ooo *smack in my ass* besides my accoustic guitar sucks >.<-it seriusly it does- i need new one.. so i will only live with electrical one now >:<

☆ My Jeong, Hikaru, Sakae, Juka, Narumi, Satsuki, Rubii, Yuji, Jun ☆
☆ Claimer,ajsnoopy ☆ Claim,Miyavifan ☆
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