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Alvinho (Offline)
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07-23-2008, 06:42 PM

ok, Brit, forget about nudity...ok? for swear words, I'd agree with you if you said in situations just like medal solemnities, for in Brazil there were unpleasant situations when Panamerican Games were held....a bunch of fools booing American, Cuban, Argentine anthem during solemnities...

As for China's successful days it's tad easy to explain thanks to cynical partnership between liberals (liberals inside their pockets) and of course, commies....Never such partnership has been in evidence....

Those liberals set a harsh dictatorship regime in their factories and local commies ("chairmen" of proletarian paradise) provide them with employees to undergo slavery conditions (Marx and Engels would have too much to discuss about the proletariat conditions in China these days....)....hehehe

In a communist country, there's one president who grabs all life's benefits, dozens of burocrats who drain tax payers' money and 8 million go through harsh starvation.

Last edited by Alvinho : 07-23-2008 at 07:12 PM.
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