Thread: SuG
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saphire (Offline)
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07-23-2008, 09:09 PM

I wanted to be the one to post the new pix! ;( Darn intornetz... I'm on holiday with NO INTORNET. *is dead*

I may not hav gotten to post the pix, but I do hav... A preview >

Butterfly Boy Preview
It isn't a PV preview or anything, but at least we can hear the music right...? I'm not too sure about it. I can't judge, since it's kind of chaotic and it isn't a very long preview. But it's still a preview!

And I will probably be gone for a veryvery long time now. So buhbye! Enjoy your summers and look forward to SuG's new mini to all whom it concerns

I eat you. Yup, tis true. Really.

That will mean nothing to everyone, except some people who aren't on this site

Just to confirm Mitsuru, Sayo, Suzuya and Ginga belong to me on JF. Not much point in saying since what's gonna happen? But it's fun all the same
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