Way too serious
Posts: 874
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: +2 GMT
07-24-2008, 12:10 AM
Originally Posted by Kajitsu
What if, after you confirm your account via email, you have to wait 24 hours before you can post? I know this is a forum, therefore you would want to post sooner, but if banned people make more accounts, the point of banning them is lost.
Or you can IP-ban the offending members. I'm just unsure if you want to take a measure that extreme.
- You not only gave a suggestion, but already found out it's both weak spots straight away. 1 - What about the genuine users? I would have never been here, if i was told to wait for 24 hours, for instance. 2 - They can always make several accounts at once and then just use whenever they like to.
- IP ban is veeeery easy to circumvent, unless you are banning wide range of IP's, which could lead to banning out even whole countries.
There is, however, one (if not several) slightly efficient method, but it includes quite a lot of coding and forum database altering... meh... i am sorry, Eki, if you are reading this, but you are one lazy (or just too damn busy) admin >_<