Originally Posted by noodle
It has about as much improvement to do as the UK and the US. And, you ought to choose your words more carefully. You make it sound as though China already isn't an influencial superpower. I think I mentioned it before; not too long ago, there was a little program on tv. It showed what an average household would look like in England without Chinese products. The houses were left with NOTHING. lol... So i'd say China's influence is pretty huge atm 
Your point is arguable but I agree "somewhat" that China's human rights record is comparable to the United States and perhaps other Western countries (meaning I acknowledge that the US and the West is not perfect and also responsible for violating human rights in some instances).
However I'm also a believer of "2 wrongs don't make a right". All human rights issues are a matter of principals, not politics. If you've read my other posts in this thread you'll find I'm not anti-China (in fact I welcome China's new found prosperity as I believe it could address the human rights concerns I have), rather pro-human rights. Because of that I will give criticism where it is due and not minimise it by comparing it to other abuses.