07-24-2008, 02:09 AM
I see, I am new to this net as this is my first message I have been studying Japanese for about a year but I did'nt take it seriously until this year I am now 17 and I grduated from highschool early I know a little bit of japanese and I can read it just a little bit, i've bought books and auido set's to aid me in my conquest of learning japanese and I have what you can say to be an impossible goal I will know japanese by the end of this year,or with in 3months that is my goal. I will take any advice you will give even if it may be wrong ( it's best to learn the wrong way than not to learn at all)that's how I see it I plain on going to college in japan it may be tough but I love a challange even if im losing I hope to become the anime king both in making it and buying and studying it. Welp I hope to hear from some one soon.