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XjhonnyX (Offline)
grrr... &al;yousuck!!
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11-03-2006, 07:46 PM

Actually i dont know if some one mentioned it already but i seen one with this chick who was facinated with photography and one day she seen someone die, she ended up getting obsessed with taking pictures of death, then (shes a lesbian) her girl friend gets kidnapped and killed. then she gets herself kidnapped and ends up killing this guy its really interesting but it dont want to say to much i forgot the name... sorry XD

My heart bleeds,
Look at you hiding,
all the things to endure me.
I need you here with me,
wanting you to believe me,
I see you in all of these faces,
Blush with shame,
when I think of you,
and your pale skin.
I need you here with me,
wanting you to believe me,
I sell my soul for you...
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