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Ronin4hire (Offline)
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07-24-2008, 11:31 AM

Originally Posted by noodle View Post
Dude, I don't have to say I acknowledge your points for them to be acknowledged. We're having a discussion, and we're discussing eachothers points. If you want me to say, yep, sure, you're right, without giving my opinion, then this convo would have been done ages ago.

I think it's obvious to me that we seem to have different meanings for lies and exagurations. To me, when a news reporter puts a picture of a Nepali police officer, and names it chinese, that's lying. If you want to call it exaguration for a good story, that's your choice.
You know, I'm not even arguing the fact that the west does have some huge anti-china thing going on, I'm arguing the fact that it's not impossible. Just because the size of the company/organisation (reuters) is huge, it doesn't mean that it can't have an agenda. What you don't seem to understand is that News is filtered out but a select few. So it really doesn't matter how many foreigners Reuters employes, it still goes up the chain, until the news is aproved. So, do you really think it's hard for Reuters to put thoughts into people's heads?
I'm not even gonna write an essay to explain to you that i'm not talking about a consipiracy theory. And where does paranoia come into this? You make it sound as if i'm one of those people that watch another form of media that suggested the news channel media is corrupt, hence me being paranoid and a hypocrit? I've seen plenty of lies from media all over the world. I'm simply talking about the west because that's where we're living.

Wow, that's kinda hypocritical yourself. You're thinking in the manner that there is a negative agenda by the chinese goverment from what you've seen on TV (which is a western conspiricy theory ), yet you're saying I'm hypocritical for believing the media has a negative agenda against china (which, I havn't actually said, If you were to ask my what is the western media's agenda, i'd simply say, money and ratings, if you wanted a simple answer).

Care to explain how Paul11 showed I don't understand how the media works?

You have a right to trust the media, if you didn't, then where would you get your info from. All i'm saying, is that you'd be surprised when looking at both sides of the story. Another story that I consider a "lie", was that one about the monks protesting. Western media, clearly said, that all the monks, tibetans were unhappy, hence the protests. Funny how they left out what the lama and head monks said... If you call that exaguration, then I think we agree on pretty much everything. simply semantics.

EDIT; concerning the competition channels taking advantage of the western medias' lies. You clearly havn't seen many non-western channels. There was an incident iin Algeria a couple years back. The french media went overboard with the exaguration, and the algerian tv channel, just ripped into them about how they lie etc.
The chinese media done the same thing about the protests in france and england against the olympics. So, when two parties complain about eachother, and say crap about eachother, how do you know which one to trust? I really don't think you realise how "different" the western media is compared to non-western. The only time they ever seem to agree is when it's not linked to them. ie, zimbabwe elections
First- Your source is a nationalist Chinese website. Hardly a reliable one. Why? They have a nationalist agenda. Not to mention that they seem to be splitting hairs over small things (A Nepali mistaken for a Chinese? Hardly a big issue in the context of the riots in Tibet and around the world including the huge expat/exiled Tibetan community in Nepal and India. Perhaps the photo was relevant after all but you wouldn't know from that Chinese website. After all you only get screenshots of headlines.)

Second- IF the network knowingly reported Nepali police as Chinese then yes that is lying (I'm currently not convinced). When I talk of exaggeration I speak of the general behaviour of the Western media. (Which you seem to agree)

Third- My position is not hypocritical. All along I've shown my reasoning as to why I believe the Western media over the Chinese media which I'll try to sum up:-
I've tried to reason with you that it is practically impossible for the Western media to orchestrate and execute a huge propaganda machine on behalf of a sole political agenda which would only be possible via a huge collaboration (Any belief that it could is a far-fetched conspiracy fantasy AT BEST. It ranks up there with the whole "9/11 was planned and executed by the Americans" conspiracy theory). Also the Chinese acted secretively which would only lead us in the West to SPECULATE, not to mention that the Chinese media do not have the Checks and balances that the media in the west has (not saying that it's perfect of course) as well as a MOTIVE.

Finally- Again you show your ignorance. Reuters doesn't approve it's reports is sells them to agencies that DO approve them. As you know there are MANY agencies out there.

(There... I think I've addressed all the points I could filter out of that rant)
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