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noodle (Offline)
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07-24-2008, 11:50 AM

Originally Posted by Ronin4hire View Post
First- Your source is a nationalist Chinese website. Hardly a reliable one. Why? They have a nationalist agenda. Not to mention that they seem to be splitting hairs over small things (A Nepali mistaken for a Chinese? Hardly a big issue in the context of the riots in Tibet and around the world including the huge expat/exiled Tibetan community in Nepal and India. Perhaps the photo was relevant after all but you wouldn't know from that Chinese website. After all you only get screenshots of headlines.)

Second- IF the network knowingly reported Nepali police as Chinese then yes that is lying (I'm currently not convinced). When I talk of exaggeration I speak of the general behaviour of the Western media. (Which you seem to agree)

Third- My position is not hypocritical. All along I've shown my reasoning as to why I believe the Western media over the Chinese media which I'll try to sum up:-
I've tried to reason with you that it is practically impossible for the Western media to orchestrate and execute a huge propaganda machine on behalf of a sole political agenda which would only be possible via a huge collaboration (Any belief that it could is a far-fetched conspiracy fantasy AT BEST. It ranks up there with the whole "9/11 was planned and executed by the Americans" conspiracy theory). Also the Chinese acted secretively which would only lead us in the West to SPECULATE, not to mention that the Chinese media do not have the Checks and balances that the media in the west has (not saying that it's perfect of course) as well as a MOTIVE.

Finally- Again you show your ignorance. Reuters doesn't approve it's reports is sells them to agencies that DO approve them. As you know there are MANY agencies out there.

(There... I think I've addressed all the points I could filter out of that rant)
??? What are you talking about? You really think my source is that website? That website I gave you was to give you slight insight to how it is, because you obviously have NEVER even checked out the media in other countries, which brings up the question of how you can even make an un-biased opinion? I HAVE chinese tv, I WATCH their news, I watch, CNN, BBC world, Arte, TV5, Fox, CNBC, Al Jzeera eng and arabic etc AND then I make up my mind up. It has nothing to do with that website. That website, as I mentioned will undoubtadly be VERY biased and VERY anit-west, but that doesn't take away the fact that they've given some excellent proof.

Believe what you will about the Nepali police, and Indian police etc, but you totally dodged the question about the boycotting of French products. If the Chinese media lies, and chinese people find out the truth on the net, why havn't they done or said something about their media? They're not stupid...

This whole thing isn't about which to believe over the other. There isn't a winner. If you re-read what i've been saying all along. I've been saying that it's MUCH better to get both sides of the story before you formulate an accurate non-bias opinion. If you disagree with that, then I say to you; OK, that's fine, it's your choice... why would I even argue with you about how YOU should formulate an opinion?? That'd be like me trying to convince you Banana's are the best fruit in the world... I wouldn't do that, you're entitled to your opinion; but I don't see harm in us discussiing and questioning eachothers' opinions.

Oh really? You believe that Reuters present EVERY bit of news they have? Are you kidding me? Are you trying to tell me that Agencies buy useless news, THEN filter them and aprove them? The fact is; Reuters filter a lot of Crap that they know wouldn't sell. If you don't agree with this, just take some work experience in a news channel, or question someone that has worked for a news channel before.
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