Originally Posted by Kiyuge
Oh but I think he does know what he is talking about.
No matter what there is always some form of dissrespectfull people, in any country, but you may not run into them or you just might. So yes the Japanese may be very kind and help tourist's but there may be some that just lead you in the wrong direction and screw you over completely. Its irrevelivent. And no I dont think the comment he made was backwords. It made perfect sense to me but thats just me.
He said "to some extent, everyone is rude". That simply isn't true.
And I have never heard of people leading tourists in the wrong direction just for kicks in Japan (though I have had it done to me in two unfamiliar cities in the US...one was a taxi driver). It just doesn't happen.
Originally Posted by Kiyuge
And you dont know that he is 100% wrong. You may be looking into what he is trying to say too hard.
I am not looking "too hard", I am a just reading what he wrote. It's still 100% wrong.
Originally Posted by Kiyuge
Yes to some extent everyone is rude but does that mean they have to show their rude side? No. They can help people around a little and show what a good country Japan (or any other country) can be.
No. Not everyone is rude. Why would you even think something like that? I am going to go out on a limb and guess that you have never been to Japan.
Japan isn't like the US where everyone is worried about themselves first and everyone else second. I know it is a hard idea to grasp for westerners. The idea of lying to a tourist to get them lost would never even occur to 99% of Japanese people. The reason is because when someone asks you directions you represent your neighborhood. If you mess with the person, then they will think "people that live there like to lie to tourists" and that will make the neighborhood look bad. No one wants that, so that's why it would never occur to them to play jokes like that.