Thread: Long Distance
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SuGrocks (Offline)
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07-25-2008, 10:47 PM

well personaly, idk. long distance relationships can go either way.
its sorta suckish, cuz on one hand if you've never met the person your always wondering if there even real or if there taking the relationship seriously and if the person is cheating on you or already w/ someone. i mean for all you know him and his friends are like messing w/ you and in reality he already has someone. i mean you could just be someone on the side.

then there is always the little possiblity that he really likes you and he wont cheat on you and they idk, you guys meet up and all is good or something. i mean its sorta rare, but it happens where someone meets someone else over the web and it actually works out.

so like i said it can go either way.
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