07-26-2008, 01:20 AM
neveragain: Welcome to the world of anime. Miyazaki makes great movies and Inuyasha is good also. But the real fun is when you start to watch the stuff that isn't main stream. There is a whole world of anime out there about anything you can think of. Enjoy.
"What We Think, We Become" - Buddha
"The most utterly lost of all days is that on which you have not laughed" - Crappy Fortune Cookie
"If I woke up looking like that, I would run towards the nearest living thing and kill it." - Master Shake
Score: Eiri: 35 Slykaz1: 102 Rojjin: 90 Yuna7780: ? reihino: 63 Crani:40 Ramones1976: 0 AnimeBaby112: 8 Arikado: 1 KikiBunny23:7 Pexster: 1