Originally Posted by BakaCrisis
Thanks for the response.
Actually I have too much hair, braids makes the hair look short, but umm, Yea, any more info would be lovely.
Nothing physically worong with the cosplay?
Usually, Ryoma wears white shorts that go to about down to his knees, but he wears the jersey pants (not as often, though).
If you do take your hair out of your braids, try to straighten your hair. It'll look better straightened.
He's also very quiet, and bluffs and brags when he feels like it. He's sly and he makes fun of his father, and wants to beat his father in tennis. His "range" of getting a ball is VERY wide and can do a split-step as for another one his moves in tennis.
His accuracy and strength are great of a seventh graders, and he can run pretty well too. He hates Inui's juices and Tezuka wants him to carry the tennis team in the future.