Originally Posted by XjhonnyX
didnt see this... anywho i like FF7 just because its the best story lien out of all the FF... the rest of them are just based on love, FF actually has something far from love, its kick ass... and i love it because it has the ultimate evil character ever.... SEPHIROTH! XD
actual none of that are based on love. yes they have elmenets of romance in them but there not based on love.
ff1 love had nothing to do that 4 warriors tring to save the world from a demon from the past.
ff2???? never beat it but family seeks revenge for death of brother or something like that.
ff3???? can't read it so i don't know
ff4 is about man sheading his dark side and become light and qustion the world you live in and where you fit in it.
ff5. ummm space aliens tring to save our world because the crytles they left here are beeing distoryed
ff6. girl looking to under her stand her self and find her place in the world.
ff7. looking into ones self to find the courge to do the right thing.
ff8. ummm love
ff9. hold people off till ffx comes out. lol it was proudced and made in a year check the dates of it it was beening made at the same time as ffx
ff10 man theme Organized religons can't be trusted.
ff10-2 = love
ff11= never played it
ff12 = boy want to be airship pirate and i am guess eventual he wants to free his country.
if some one thinks other wise and wants to disccuss put in the derail thread