Originally Posted by ivi0nk3y
What about it is ridiculous?
Also what facts at hand are you talking about? I mean there is obviously a problem with your conclusion based on the facts which YOU know about, which is why people are arguing with you about the Chinese media.
The same goes for me of course but I never said the Buddhist quote was infallable.
The part where you tell me that I can't have an opinion.
Yes FACTS I know about. For example how the media works, how China's state censorship works etc. Facts that I have based my REASONING on. The reason people like you and noodle are arguing with me is because it is obvious that these are FACTS you DON'T know about. Rather you and noodle would rather entertain conspiracy theories and mistrust of the West because you want to defend China for whatever reason.
As for the buddhist quote. There is nothing wrong with it. It's a good quote and can actually be used as a critique of religions such as Islam and Christianity which demand loyalty to a particular way or set of thinking (I've seen the quote before). But I digress....