Originally Posted by noodle
Wow, That has to be one of the most racist/ignorant things I've ever seen you say about China. Are you really suggesting that the chinese Culture needs to change?
I don't know what it is with you, but you seem to be just like most Japanese people I've met (there is to this day hatred between the two, and it's NOT only from China's side, which I'm pretty sure you believe also). So before you go shooting your guns off about China again, without even actually knowing what the Chinese are like, or what CHINA is like, I suggest you turn off your TV and go visit China. 
Noodle, please back off of me. You jump on every statement I make like I wear a white hood and burn crosses for a living.
I said it takes a lot of work to change a culture. That is different than saying China's culture needs to change.
When I say "culture" here I am not talking about race and ethnicity, but (I thought I was pretty clear), I am talking about the culture of enviromentalism, safety and health that I read in my worthless western news and see on my worthless western news channels.